Friday, August 31, 2012

CAMRIE - Age 4

Camrie was born May 19th, 2008 in Baltimore, MD. His birth mom's name is Tymia Hall. We adopted Camrie in March of 2009 at 10 months old. He is such a blessing to our family. He and his older brother, Dauson are good buddies and they fill our home with a lot of laughter, wrestling, messes....and sometimes fighting! Camrie has a sweet way about him. He accepts everyone and loves to be cuddled, hugged, and kissed. Camrie follows his big brother around everywhere, and loves being with Dauson, but maintains his own identity well! He loves textures (the root of much mischief) and is very focused. He can dismantle almost anything! (We are anxiously awaiting for him to reach the stage of reassembling those objects!). Camrie is also very talkative and shares his random, silly thoughts with us often that make us all laugh. We can not imagine our family and world without him in it. He will make a loving big brother some day.

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